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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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PC1 Variables

Teachers and students are encouraged to use these resources as platforms to create their own resources, as forms of assessment and in particular as reflection pieces for learning portfolios. The resources are designed specifically to be used by students to record artefacts and reflect on their learning, in particular html and pdf resources.

The Python Lessons and Tasks are designed for students to learn how to program in a practical and task driven style, both individually and collaboratively. In addition, where appropriate, students can undertake a Computational Thinking challenge and a block based coding challenge on editable html platforms, assess themselves with eTask Worksheets, and support and challenge themselves with Python video lessons.

Programming Concept 1 Variables

Type of Resource Type ID Overview LO
Python logo Variables Lesson 1.0  pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs

1.2  1.22   2.16  2.18

etask-BW-assess eTask Assessment 1.0 pdf (fillable) Revise Review and Save 2.16
Python logo Variables and Operators Lesson 1.1  pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs 1.3  1.4  1.7  1.20  1.23
CT-Challenge-logo CT Challenge - Hours Minutes Seconds zip  Assess CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work.

1.20 - 1.23

2.5 - 2.7

etask-BW-assess eTask Assessment 1.1 pdf (fillable) Revision Challenges Reflections 1.22  1.23  2.16
Python logo Python Video - An overview of variables, operators and main data types  mp4 (vimeo) Flip the classroom / support the learning

1.2 - 1.4  1.22

2.16  2.18

cat logo Scratch and Python Task - A 2 digit Number Buster 

zip Measure CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work. 1.1 - 1.7  2.20  2.21
microprocessor-logo Microprocessor Video - Introduction to Variables  mp4 (vimeo) Design a counter using a microprocessor (ALT4) Introduction to 3.11 - 3.14
microprocessor-logo Microprocessor Video - Fitbit Variables  mp4 (vimeo) Design your own FitBit using a microprocessor (ALT4) Introduction to 3.11 - 3.14

The suggested resources below accompany the LOs and complement the lesson.

In some cases it will allow LOs to be covered to a greater extent or new LOs to be addressed.

Further Resources

LO Description of Related Web Resource
1.1  2.2

An unplugged activity : Sequencing Stage Lights. 
(Think about a systematic solution to an easily solved puzzle.)

1.1  2.7

CS Field Guide to Programming Languages and the Python Interpreter    CS-field-Guide    

1.4  1.5 

2.6  1.7

Practice Python with Try it Yourself sandboxes  Practice-Python-logo

A familiar challenge to age the user! Try the extra challenges also.

1.1  2.1 Princess Ann improves the army by proper naming - A Computational Thinking Fairytale
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