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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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PC7 Definitions (Functions)

Teachers and students are encouraged to use these resources as platforms to create their own resources, as forms of assessment and in particular as reflection pieces for learning portfolios. The resources are designed specifically to be used by students to record artefacts and reflect on their learning, in particular html and pdf resources.

The Python Lessons and Tasks are designed for students to learn how to program in a practical and task driven style, both individually and collaboratively. In addition, where appropriate, students can undertake a Computational Thinking challenge and a block based coding challenge on editable html platforms, assess themselves with eTask Worksheets, and support and challenge themselves with Python video lessons.

Programming Concept 7 Definitions (Functions)

Type of Resource Type ID Overview LO
Python-logo Introduction to Definitions Lesson 7.0  pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs

2.2  2.3  2.5  2.9  

Python-logo Turtles and Definitions Lesson 7.1  pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs 1.6  1.22  2.3  3.9
cat-logo-for-scratch Scratch and Python Task - Functions and Lists zip Measure CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work. 1.1 - 1.7  2.4  2.20  2.21
Python-logo Definitive Tasks Lesson 7.2 pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs 1.7  1.22  2.3  2.4  2.6  2.7  3.5
 CT-Challenge-logo CT Challenge - Gold in a Treasure Chest zip Assess CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work

1.20 - 1.23

2.5 - 2.7

microprocessor-logo CT-Challenge-logo A CT game using the microbit (Final Level 8) html A scaffolded Drop & Catch game. 9 levels from while loops to arrays (similar to lists) to functions. Edit the html file to create a new resource. 1.1 - 1.7  1.22  1.23
Intro to 3.13 - 3.14
Python-logo Definitions and a simplified Database Lesson 7.3 pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs 1.20  3.2  3.5  2.20
Sample txt file and Python Code zip A starter database txt file to accompany Lesson 7.3, with sample Python code 3.2  3.5
Python-logo Recursive Definitions (HL) Lesson 7.4 pptx Task Driven PYTHON Lesson with embedded lesson plan and LOs 1.2  1.3  1.5  1.6  2.5  2.9
CT-Challenge-logoCT Challenge - Die Hard Water Beakers (HL) zip(46MB) Assess CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work.

1.20 - 1.23

2.3 - 2.7

cat-logo-for-scratch Scratch and Python Task - Counting and Scrolling Numbers  zip Measure CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work. 1.1 - 1.7  2.20  2.21

Python Video - Intro to Defintions building a menu option

Python Video - Passing parameters and using Modules

Python Video - Handling errors in passing parameters

Python Video - Local Variables and Return from Definitions

mp4 (vimeo)

Flip the classroom / support the learning


1.1 - 1.7 

1.21 - 1.23

2.3 - 2.9

2.16  2.18

Python Video - Recursive Definitions mp4 (vimeo) Flip the classroom / support the learning 2.4  2.9
CT-Challenge-logo CT Challenge - Paths and Nodes on the Hamiltonian Walk (HL) zip Assess CT skills. Extract, launch the html file and store your work.

1.20 - 1.23

2.5 - 2.9

The suggested resources below accompany the LOs and complement the lesson.

In some cases it will allow LOs to be covered to a greater extent or new LOs to be addressed.

Further Resources

Learning Outcomes    Description of Related Web Resource

3.11 - 3.14


Microprocessor Videos, using Functions, addressing concepts for ALT4

Design your own Traffic Lights system (using crocodile clips)

Design your own Traffic Lights system (using a breadboard)

Design your own Battery Voltage Tester (using a 0-25V voltage sensor HEX code)

1.22  2.20 Trace your Python program  - A step-by-step visualisation of the execution of your programs.  python logo
2.3  2.4  2.9

Ann improves sailing using functions in a CT Fairytale

A CT Fairytale explanation of recursive algorithms

1.19 - 1.21

The CS Field Guide through agile software development to the importance of Christopher Alexander in customer involvement.    CS-field-Guide    

2.5 - 2.9

Read a paper on the famous RAINFALL problem.

1.4 - 1.7 

2.6  2.9


Practice Python with a CT challenge (solutions also offered) Practice-Python-logo

Create a Fibonacci Function        

Write a function to randomly choose a word from the SOWPODS dictionary

Successfully added to the clipboard.