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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Short Courses and Level 1 Learning Programmes

In the new junior cycle, students taking this short course should be following a personalised Level 1 Learning Programme (L1LP) alongside other curriculum components (from Level 1 and possibly one or two from Level 2). The L1LPs are planned around a number of Priority Learning Units (PLUs) which focus on developing the personal, social and practical skills of students. In addition to the Priority Learning Units, students can study short courses with learning outcomes broadly aligned with the level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications (Appendix A). Food, glorious food is one of the first of three short courses that the NCCA has developed.

The target group of students for whom L1LPs and Level 1 short courses have been developed are typically students presenting with significant learning needs. Some of them will have had a formal assessment by an educational psychologist which will have placed them in the low-moderate, severe or profound categories of learning disability and they will have had a personalised learning plan while in primary school. In this context, the L1LPs and short courses are designed for students who would benefit from opportunities to improve learning and skills in areas such as elementary literacy and numeracy, language and communication, mobility and leisure skills, motor co-ordination, and social and personal development. The L1LPs also offer the chance for students to improve the length of time they can concentrate on activities, along with their capacity to generalise and transfer knowledge and skills across situations, and to process information from more than one sensory channel.

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