Rationale and aims Rationale Food, glorious food is a subject that is highly motivating for a lot of students undertaking L1LPs.This short course builds on and promotes the development of a range of personal, social and practical skills in the context of learning about food, drink and nutrition. As well as learning about healthy eating and drinking, students also participate in purchasing, preparing and consuming food and drink. They have opportunities to visit and use local shops and food outlets. Practical life skills such as laying a table, using money and choosing from a menu are also developed. Students develop essential skills such as those of communication; language and literacy; numeracy; labelling; classifying and comparison. Knowledge, independent living skills and attitudes for life are developed through hands-on activities, links with the community and creative projects. Aim This short course aims to develop the student’s knowledge about where food comes from, how to plan a menu and to purchase food and drink in a variety of settings. They also learn about healthy food and drink and making informed choices around what they consume. Cognitive, social and practical skills are developed in the context of learning about food, drink and nutrition.