Chinese and other Key Skills Key Skill Key skill element Student learning activity Being Creative Learning creatively Students create and organise events showing and sharing their understanding of Chinese culture and language with school/class-mates and community, e.g. Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festivals. Communicating Listening and expressing myself Students engage in face-to-face and online conversations with Chinese speakers from a variety of backgrounds. They participate in authentic, real-life activities and tasks in order to understand what is being said and to convey messages. Managing information and thinking Using digital technology to access, manage and share content Students use digital technology to access language and cultural content as well as learning materials. They use online media to complete course tasks with their peers. Managing myself Being able to reflect on my own learning Students learn to self-assess their level in Chinese. They reflect on their learning and set new proficiency targets at regular intervals. Staying well Being healthy, physical and active Students explore Chinese attitudes to food and their role in promoting health and well-being. They learn about and experience how the practice of martial arts can improve mental and physical balance. They engage in cultural activities requiring dexterity and coordination, e.g. paper-cutting, calligraphy and dance. Working with others Learning with others Students communicate in pairs and groups. They create a variety of links with Chinese speakers in partner schools and communities. They link with other school subjects, home economics, to make Chinese dishes; music to learn to sing Chinese songs; or history to learn about China’s past.