Inclusion Leaving Certificate Physical Education provides an equitable and inclusive learning experience for learners in senior cycle. It aims to appeal to the broad student population and not only to those learners who excel as performers in physical activity. Learners who have an interest in and commitment to physical activity and sport are encouraged to study Leaving Certificate Physical Education. The learning outcomes are designed to be relevant to the personal, social, cultural and vocational interests of a broad range of learners. Appropriate provision is made for the inclusion of all learners including male and female students, those with special education needs and physical disabilities and students from diverse cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. This is achieved through the establishment of a positive learning environment where all learners are provided with opportunities for personal success and progression. Performance in physical activity is only one of the criteria for success in the assessment of Leaving Certificate Physical Education. Learners can also demonstrate their skills and talents in the non-playing roles of coach/choreographer. The inclusive learning environment requires the use of a variety of teaching approaches, effective differentiation, modification of equipment including adapted or assistive, and utilisation of personnel in a supportive collaborative manner.