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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Classroom-Based Assessment

Classroom-Based Assessments are the occasions when the teacher assesses the students in the specific assessment(s) that are set out in the subject or short course specification. Where feasible, teachers of short courses will participate in SLAR meetings. A particular purpose of the Classroom-Based Assessment will be to facilitate developmental feedback to students during their engagement with the task and at the end of the process.

Classroom-Based Assessment in SPHE

Assessment in SPHE is not about setting tasks in order to accumulate a record of marks. Nor is it about teachers assessing where the student is situated on the continuum of wellbeing or making a judgment about a student’s physical, social or emotional wellbeing. The focus of assessment is on allowing students to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions they have gained through their engagement in learning in SPHE.

Considering the diversity of learners and contexts, and to support maximum flexibility and choice, students will engage in one of the following CBAs.



Student preparation

Portfolio of my learning and reflection on learning in SPHE

Individual selection of items of work, such as digital, written texts, posters, audio-visual or multi-modal

Students will choose three pieces of work, completed over time and linked to different strands of learning within the course, and present these accompanied by a reflection on why each piece was chosen and how it marked important learning for the student in SPHE.




Student preparation

Taking action for SPHE

Individual or small group project that can be presented in a wide range of formats

Students will, over a specified time, with support and guidance from the teacher, research, report and reflect on an action they have taken to raise awareness about or promote an aspect of health/wellbeing studied in the SPHE short course.

Whilst the timing of the Classroom-Based Assessment in short courses may vary from school to school, Classroom-Based Assessment for reporting purposes in the JCPA cannot be conducted in first year. This Classroom-Based Assessment can be completed during second or third year. 

(See 2023 SPHE Toolkit: Creative Approaches to Assessment in SPHE)

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