Expectations for students Expectations for students is an umbrella term that links learning outcomes with annotated examples of student work. For NCCA-developed short courses, in some cases examples of work associated with a specific learning outcome or with a group of learning outcomes will be available. Schools who design their own short courses may wish to create a bank of examples of student work for discussion and for future reference. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are statements that describe what knowledge, understanding, skills and values students should be able to demonstrate having completed this junior cycle short course in enterprise in animation. The learning outcomes set out in the following tables apply to all students and represent outcomes for students at the end of their period of study (approximately 100 hours). The outcomes are numbered within each strand. The numbering is intended to support teacher planning in the first instance and does not imply any hierarchy of importance across the outcomes themselves. Stop Motion Animation Students learn about Students should be able to What is animation 1.1 accurately use the key vocabulary involved in the stop motion animation process 1.2 recognise different types of stop motion animation 1.3 list and classify items used in examples of animated movies e.g. characters, props or sets used Learning to be creative 1.4 identify equipment needed to create animation 1.5 find items in the classroom and at home that could be used as props for characters or as part of a set 1.6 use visitors to the classroom or an educational trip to learn more about animation processes 1.7 use materials to create characters to feature in an animated video clip Equipment and process 1.8 demonstrate patience when animating 1.9 follow the basic rules of animation 1.10 use a movie-making app/programme on an electronic device to photograph frames First Animation Clip 1.11 show how to move a character on a set effectively 1.12 demonstrate special effects and tricks 1.13 produce a ten second video clip of a character in action Creating your animation company Students learn about Students should be able to Basics in Business 2.1 list the different jobs/roles that exist in an animation company 2.2 briefly outline the responsibilities associated with each role Assigning company roles 2.3 name own talents and decide on preferred roles 2.4 complete an application form and/or curriculum vitae 2.5 participate in a very short interview (2 mins) for a role in the group company Company identity 2.6 participate in deciding on a company name, in appointed roles within groups 2.7 explain the importance of a suitable company name/logo 2.8 contribute to the collaborative decision-making on a company logo Market research 2.11 describe market research and its uses 2.12 create and conduct a survey/ to determine storylines that other classes would like to see in an animated film 2.13 create a chart to illustrate results of the survey 2.14 make a company decision regarding the genre of the feature presentation based on results of the survey Storyboardingf and set building Students learn about Students should be able to Storyboards 3.1 identify the function of storyboards 3.2 use the technique of brainstorming to identify a set and a cast of characters for the group’s story 3.3 work collaboratively within the group to create a storyboard involving characters already agreed upon 3.4 place the storyboard frames in the correct sequence Set design and creation 3.5 identify methods for successfully building strong and sturdy characters /sets 3.6 contribute to the group effort in creating all necessary props, characters, sets…. Our feature presentation Students learn about Students should be able to Shooting of scenes 4.1 follow the storyboard to use the correct group of props, characters and sets in the right order 4.2 use techniques learned in strand 1 to manipulate characters in each scene 4.3 check the progress of the animation regularly to make sure that it flows smoothly Sound, introduction and credits 4.4 participate in a group decision to choose music for the opening and closing credits 4.5 provide an appropriate character voice in at least one scene in the movie 4.6 create a set of drawings/paintings/slides to introduce the movie 4.7 create end-of-feature credits in a group situation Marketing 4.8 list the ways that the movie could be advertised 4.9 advertise the movie by creating a poster or a short audio commercial to be broadcast on intercom or record a mock TV or digital advertisement Host a ascreening of our feature presentataion 4.10 assist in selecting a suitable location for the screening 4.11 participate in preparation for the hosting by using appropriate organisational skills 4.12 reflect on the experience of producing a short animated clip as part of a group, identifying successes, challenges and how things might be done differently next time