Digital media literacy and other key skills In addition to their specific content and knowledge, the subjects and short courses of junior cycle provide students with opportunities to develop a range of key skills. This course offers opportunities to support all key skills but some are particularly significant. The examples below identify some of the elements that are related to learning activities in Digital Media Literacy. The 8 key skills are set out in detail in Key Skills of Junior Cycle. Key Skill Key skill element Student learning activity Being Creative Stimulating creativity using digital technology Students examine different digital technologies and communication tools to understand how they are used creatively to convey messages. Communicating Use digital technology to communicate Students use digital technologies, communication tools and the internet to research topics of interest to them and to express, share and present their opinions on these topics, taking into account different audiences Managing information and thinking Using digital technology to access, manage and share content Students search and evaluate content in different digital formats online. Being literate Exploring and creating a variety of texts, including multi-modal texts Students plan, design and create digital artefacts in a variety of digital media formats. Managing myself Using digital technology to manage myself and my learning Students use digital technologies and communication tools to keep an online learning diary and reflection journal. Being numerate Gathering, interpreting and representing data Students can interpret and present content and their ideas graphically. Staying well Being safe Students develop a charter of online rights and responsibilities that define acceptable use of digital technologies in the school. Working with others Working with others through digital technology Students work collaboratively using digital technologies e.g. providing feedback to peers.