Examples of Student Work Examples of students' learning about language and culture in each of the Junior Cycle Modern Foreign Languages, French, Italian, Spanish and German can be viewed here. This includes examples of CBA1 Oral Communications. Students can approach CBA1 in a variety of different ways, as the examples below illustrate. More examples will be added over time. The annotations capture observations from the student's teacher using the features of quality, with a view to establishing the level of achievement. The annotations and judgements were confirmed by a Quality Assurance group, consisting of practising MFL teachers and representatives of the Inspectorate, State Examinations and JCT Support Service. The purpose of these examples is to support teachers' professional development. They are not to be used for any other purpose. All examples of student work marked with TCA require a teacher account in order to be viewed. You can set up an account here using your Teaching Council registration number. Examples of Student work - French CBA1 examples of student work CBA2 examples of student work Examples of Student work - German CBA1 - student work examples CBA 2 - student work examples Examples of Student work - Spanish CBA1 - student work examples CBA 2 - student work examples Examples of Student work - Italian CBA1 - student work examples CBA2 - student work examples