Assessment Task Stimulus material download links are available below. Students complete a formal written Assessment Task to be submitted to the State Examinations Commission for marking along with the Final Assessment for English. The Assessment Task links to the principal objective of The Collection of the Student’s Texts, which offers students a chance to celebrate their achievements as creators of texts by compiling a collection of their texts in a variety of genres. The knowledge and skills developed by students during this classroom-based assessment emerge from their growing awareness of the process of writing. Varying from year to year, the Assessment Task will be devised from some or all of the following elements: A short stimulus in written, audio, audio-visual or multi-modal format to prepare for the written task. The purpose of the stimulus is to prompt discussion about the writing process, but students are assessed on their own experiences of creating their collection, not on their understanding of or response to the stimulus. A written task that tests the students in one or more of: their ability to outline and/or discuss their experience of compiling The Collection of the Student’s Texts their understanding and evaluation of that experience their capacity to demonstrate and reflect on the skills they have developed. The Assessment Task relates to the second Classroom-Based Assessment, The Collection of the Student's Texts. Students must complete Classroom-Based Assessment 2: The Collection of the Student's Texts before completing the Assessment Task. Junior Cycle English Assessment Task Stimulus Materials: Download AT Stimulus 1 AT Stimulus 1 transcript Download AT Stimulus 2 AT Stimulus 2 transcript Download AT Stimulus 3 AT Stimulus 3 transcript AT Stimulus 4 Assessment Task Archive: Junior Cycle English Assessment Task January 2020 Junior Cycle English Assessment Task April 2018 Junior Cycle English Assessment Task December 2017 Junior Cycle English Assessment Task May 2017 Junior Cycle English Assessment Task December 2016 Specimen booklet 2016 Sample Assessment Task