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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Statements of Learning

The statement  Example of relevant learning 
SOL 2: The student listens, speaks, reads and writes in L2 and one other language at a level of proficiency that is appropriate to his or her ability. Students will engage in language activities and tasks that focus on acquiring an appropriate level of proficiency in a classical language, allowing them to appreciate key characteristics of the chosen language and its literature, and understand how languages work and evolve over time. 
SOL 3: The student creates, appreciates and critically interprets a wide range of Texts
All products of language use—oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), objects of reference, Braille, tactile, electronic, digital and/or multimodal—can be described as texts. Multimodal texts include the combination of a variety of forms of communication such as print text, digital text, visual images, audio (e.g., a performance or event) and spoken word. In this definition, 'multimodal' is not synonymous with 'digital'.
Students will engage with the rich, entertaining and influential literary tradition of the classical world, reading and thinking critically about content, themes, and narrative styles as they explore a wide variety of written sources from inscriptions and graffiti to tragedy and epic.
SOL 5: The student has an awareness of personal values and an understanding of the process of moral decision making.  Students will examine a range of scenarios where historical and mythical characters make ethical decisions based on their values (both personal and cultural) and they will evaluate and debate these decisions.
SOL 6: The student appreciates and respects how diverse values, beliefs and traditions have contributed to the communities and culture in which he/she lives.  Students will explore sources to identify important values, beliefs and traditions that informed Greek and Roman society, and will consider these in the context of their own culture and communities.
SOL 8: The student values local, national and international heritage, understands the importance of the relationship between the past and current events and the forces that drive change.  Students will explore the political, social and economic forces that can trigger societal change, such as balance of power, distribution of wealth, attitudes towards identity and approaches to cultural diversity. 
Students will explore how the cultural traditions of ancient Greece and Rome have significantly influenced the art, architecture, literature, politics and philosophy of western society.
SOL 16: The student describes, illustrates, interprets, predicts and explains patterns and relationships.  Students understand patterns and relationships through engaging with aspects of etymology, by exploring conventions of story-telling, and comparing visual and verbal representations of mythical and historical characters. 
They will examine how private and public spaces reflect social organisations and norms, and investigate the underlying structures of Greek and Roman culture. 
SOL 23: The student brings an idea from conception to realisation.  Students work out a creative concept (such as a story or a representation of a building) and decide how to bring this to fruition. This process involves moving through brainstorming, discussing, researching, presenting, capturing, evaluating and reflecting.
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