CBA2 Examples of student work French This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 01 Write a letter/email to introduce yourself which can be used to match you to a suitable student in your partner school This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 02 Write a letter/email to introduce yourself which can be used to match you to a suitable student in your partner school This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 03 Describe an imaginary bedroom and attach a picture of it (it should not be your real bedroom) This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 04 Create a feature/ magazine fashion spread for teenagers in your class This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 05 Create a feature/ magazine fashion spread for teenagers in your class This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 06 Describe your ideal town for their classmates who will then vote to choose their favourite town. The winner will get a prize! This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 07 Write a piece for the French Class Blog entitled “Comment mener une vie saine ». This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 08 Write a piece for the French Class Blog entitled “Comment mener une vie saine". This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 09 Give an oral presentation to your classmates about a family holiday spent in a French-speaking country, using digital media. This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 10 Create a radio advertisement for a sale in a French clothes shop This resource is an Article content type. French CBA2 - Example 11 Create a radio advertisement for a sale in a French clothes shop