Ábhair Tacaíochta don Bhunscoil Treoir Chleachtais Aistear Siolta Áirítear leis an Treoir Chleachtais raon acmhainní chun cuidiú le múinteoirí ranganna naíonán machnamh criticiúil a dhéanamh ar a gcleachtas féin agus chun na rudaí a oibríonn go maith a shainaithint ann. Oideolaíocht Súgartha Play in primary school with a subject based curriculum Helping young children to develop positive learning dispostions tipsheet Talking and thinking together tipsheet Describing progression in play for children aged 4-8 years Childrens schema's tipsheet Appropriate learning experiences for children age 4-8 years Supporting children to become bilingual tipsheet Enhancing language tipsheet Key messages for teachers of children aged 4-8 years Planning an appropriate curriculum for 4-8 year olds A good national curriculum for children aged 4-8 years Using open ended materials tipsheet Suggested picturebook tipsheet Supporting learning and development of children aged 4-8 years: Key messages for parents Teachtaireachtaí ó sheomraí ranga na naíonán Ensuring children have regular breaks in junior infants Providing opportunties for meaningful art experiences in junior infants Using play-based pedagogies Using more play-based pedagogies in a special school Using experiential learning in junior infants A principals experience of using Aistear and play-based pedagogies Eispéiris Foghlama Folláine agus Leas Féiniúlacht agus Muintearas Cumarsáid Taiscéalaíocht agus Smaointeoireacht Aois Leanaí Suímhanna Leanaí Ranganna naíonán